Lives of Virtue and Wisdom

At Hillsdale Academy, we believe that education is about more than just preparing for college or getting a good job.
As the centuries-old tradition of classical education has understood, education is about cultivating students into happy human beings. It is about training their minds and directing their souls such that they become men and women who love the right things and are characterized by virtue and wisdom.

Our Mission

The mission of Hillsdale Academy is to cultivate students such that they continue growing in virtue and wisdom for the rest of their lives. We do this by providing an academically excellent classical Christian education to K-12 students in Hillsdale, Michigan, and by serving as an exemplar and resource for schools and educators who share our educational goals.

Hillsdale Academy develops within its students the intellectual and personal habits and skills upon which responsible, independent, and productive lives are built, in the firm belief that such lives are the basis of a free and just society. The Academy strives to offer enrichment and to develop character through both curricular and extracurricular offerings, to nurture the child’s humanity—spirit, mind and body—with a constant view to the potential adult. The time-honored liberal arts curriculum and pedagogy direct student achievement toward mastery of the basics, exploration of the arts and sciences, and understanding of the foundational tenets of our Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman heritage. The curriculum, by purpose and design, is a survey of the best spiritual, intellectual, and cultural traditions of the West as they have been developed and refined over countless generations.

Our Story

In the late 1980s, Hillsdale College began preparations to expand outside of collegiate education and to found an elementary school. This plan was born from a desire to establish a school for community members that stood in line with the College’s beliefs and also to create an exemplary school to serve as “a model for America.” Hillsdale Academy was founded in 1990 and opened on August 27 of that year with 45 students. The Academy started with a program for Kindergarten through 8th grade students and was housed in portable classrooms on Barber Drive behind the College’s athletic facilities.

On May 16, 1997, Hillsdale Academy broke ground for the current school building on the south-east corner of the Hillsdale College campus and overlooking Winona Lake. The new building opened in 1998 and was dedicated that fall on October 9th. With the opening of the new school building, Hillsdale Academy expanded to include high school students, starting with 9th and 10th grades in its first year. In 2001, Hillsdale Academy graduated its first 12th grade class.

Since its foundation, Hillsdale Academy has been served by seven headmasters, has grown in enrollment to over 300 students, and has graduated over 300 seniors. In addition to serving local families, the Academy has aided thousands of classical schools and educators through its curriculum reference guides and customized consulting.

Our Impact

Since its founding, Hillsdale Academy has served not only our local families but also schools and educators all around the country who are aligned with our mission. Over the decades the Academy has provided resources to thousands of such schools and educators based on our experience in implementing a classical Christian education. These resources have included consulting calls, on-site visits, curriculum recommendations, teacher training, hosting visits at the Academy, and assistance in starting new schools. As part of Hillsdale College’s K-12 Initiative, the Academy continues to support the classical education movement around the country as Hillsdale College’s flagship classical school.

Hillsdale Academy also works closely with Hillsdale College students to prepare the next generation of classical teachers and administrators. Each semester undergraduate students in the classical education program spend time at the Academy as part of their apprenticeship course. These apprentices spend time in Academy classrooms and shadow our teachers in order to observe and learn from them. Over the years the Academy has sent out hundreds of apprentices who carry what they have seen and learned at Hillsdale Academy into their own classrooms in classical schools all across our country. Each year we also work with graduate students from the Van Andel Graduate School of Statesmanship who have interest in becoming future classical school administrators. As graduate research assistants, these students are apprenticed by Academy administrators and gain valuable experience and insights regarding how to run a school. Thus Hillsdale Academy is having a profound educational impact, both in the lives of our own students locally and also in classical schools all over our country and the world.

Our Team

Administrative Staff

Michael Roberts


[email protected]

Julie Apel

Assistant Headmaster

[email protected]

Nathan Neveau

Athletic Director

[email protected]

Teresa Heckenlively

Administrative Aide

[email protected]

Pam Wonders

Administrative Aide

[email protected]

Mrs. Joanna Young

Administrative Aide

Our Faculty

Ms. Lori Andaloro

Fifth Grade

[email protected]

Dr. JohnMark Beazley


[email protected]

Ms. Jordan Blackstone

School Leader Fellow

Mr. Ross Bonjernoor

Music, Choir, Orchestra, Drama

[email protected]

Mrs. Carie Brown


[email protected]

Mrs. Julie Budd

Eighth Grade

[email protected]

Mrs. Michelle Butters

Lower School Support

Dr. Kenneth Calvert

Ancient History

[email protected]

Dr. Ellen Condict


[email protected]

Mr. Quinn Coupland

Lower School Support

[email protected]

Miss Deanna Ducher

History, College Counselor

[email protected]

Mrs. Sara Galloway


[email protected]

Ms. Monika Grzesiak

Seventh Grade

[email protected]

Mr. Przemyslaw Grzesiak

Physical Education

[email protected]

Mr. Tomek Grzesiak

Fourth Grade

[email protected]

Mrs. Pamela Heckel


[email protected]

Mr. Andrew Holm


[email protected]

Mrs. Katherine Huffman

Math, Physical Education

[email protected]

Mrs. Rita Jenkins


[email protected]

Mrs. Kristie McArthur

Second Grade

[email protected]

Mrs. Allison Meckel

Latin Teacher

[email protected]

Mrs. Heather Miller

Lower School Support

[email protected]

Mrs. Kimberly Miller


[email protected]

Mrs. Gail Mowry

Director of Fine Arts

[email protected]

Mrs. Laura Negus

Latin Teacher and Library Support

[email protected]

Mr. Michael Nikkila

Science, Math

[email protected]

Mrs. Amber Nolan

Third Grade

[email protected]

Mr. Matt Nolan

Sixth Grade

[email protected]

Mrs. Patricia Péwé

Lower School Support

[email protected]

Mrs. Lisa Roberts


[email protected]

Mrs. Elizabeth Rorick

First Grade

[email protected]

Mrs. Heather Scharer


[email protected]

Ms. Chloe Tritchka

Fine Arts Support

[email protected]

Mrs. Kathryn Wales


[email protected]

Mrs. Kristine Wilkinson

Library Aide

[email protected]

Career Opportunities

No positions open at this time.

Visit the Academy

See for yourself how Hillsdale Academy can help your child lead a life of virtue and wisdom.

We welcome you to tour our school to learn more about our program, observe a classroom lesson, and meet our faculty and staff.

To schedule a visit, contact the Academy office.

(517) 439-8644
1 Academy Lane, Hillsdale, MI 49242
[email protected]

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A glimpse into academic life at Hillsdale Academy